Zodiac horoscope for scorpio men and women. Zodiac horoscope for scorpio men and women Horoscope scorpio male for the year

For Scorpio, 2016 will be a very revealing, bright and, if I may say so, fateful time. The fact is that the year of the Monkey will give your sign complete freedom of action, while simultaneously supporting you in key areas. In other words, now you will be able to solve all your pressing problems, no matter how difficult they may seem. This applies to both the financial and creative spheres, and, of course, the sensual-emotional direction. The main thing now is not to be shy about your ambitions. Of course, it’s also not particularly worth it to be “insolent”, but real desires will be fully satisfied if you make enough effort yourself. The situation will resemble a classic Slavic myth, when the gods do not do something for a person, but help him overcome the last step, if his own strength is really at the limit. That is, without giving your best, you should not especially count on support from circumstances.

Love horoscope for 2016 Scorpio

I must say that in the sensual direction, Scorpions have always been original, and 2016 will only strengthen these trends. But be careful when moving towards your desires, because romance and sweet moments of sensual bliss are only one side of the coin. If your desires, let's say, are quite specific and do not differ in orientation towards long-term relationships, then you may have serious problems. No, of course, initially everything will be in perfect order, and you will probably be happy. But then everything can change overnight when your passion offers something more than what you expected. So be careful and in advance, as they say, break through the soil, otherwise your active actions will wake up a dormant volcano, which you may not be able to calm down. Otherwise, 2016 brings with it a lot of positive moments. You will bathe in love and care, you yourself will radiate warmth and tranquility. Of course, to a greater extent, this applies to single Scorpios, because families will naturally have other concerns.

Horoscope for 2016 Scorpio (family)

It should be noted right away that 2016 for many Scorpios should become a landmark in terms of offspring. If you already have children, then treat them with increased attention. They will delight you more than once, no doubt. They will crave your attention, they will need to feel that you are proud of them. Give them everything they need, because it is very important, first of all, for them. For your children (for all together or for someone separately - you yourself will understand) this will be a significant time, and they will take many of your words and actions as a basis in the future. Of course, this is an exclusive responsibility, but you are ready for this, right? Those Scorpios, for whom the continuation of the family is still only a prospect, will also be in the zone of action of the above pattern. Try, and your hopes will come true. Be attentive not only to yourself, but also to those who entrusted you with their fate. 2016 will help you not to stumble, but you will have to perform the key actions on your own. Be proactive and don't let outside factors (particularly other people) influence your relationship.

Horoscope for 2016 Scorpio (business)

In terms of career Scorpio in 2016, you need to pay attention to the following points. First, try to strengthen existing partnerships as much as possible. This will significantly expand your own perspectives and overcome difficult moments without paying special attention to them. Secondly, do not try to solve any situation with a “swoop”, now the best strategy will be waiting, in addition, in most cases, point counterattacks will bring success. That is, act measuredly, your steps should be more of a response to the actions of others. Of course, all this is very relative and applies rather to those Scorpios who have their own business. Those who work not for themselves, but for someone else, can also count on success, but they will also have to take into account the opinions, and most importantly, the desires of their colleagues. In general, this should not be a problem, especially since the year of the Monkey will help you by sharpening your intuition to impossible limits.

Horoscope for 2016 Scorpio (finance)

At the beginning of 2016, Scorpions may have some difficulties in terms of earnings. This may be due to a change of job, or you suddenly decide to transfer your business to a different technological level. In general, the first half of the year is not the best time for all sorts of upgrades, personnel changes and other changes. Now it will be important to respond quickly to changing circumstances. Do not try to anticipate the situation, you will not succeed anyway. Try to work with what you already have and work as productively as possible. And also - listen less to outside observers, frank onlookers who specifically have nothing to do with your work at all. All these measures will help you get through a difficult stage and by the middle of the year reach positions that will be at least not lower than those that you occupied at the end of the previous period (meaning 2015). Then the dynamics will increase dramatically and you will have to work tirelessly. But your "treasury" will grow literally before our eyes.

Horoscope for 2016 Scorpio (health)

At the dawn of 2016, the zodiac sign Scorpio will not have to take special care of their health. First, there will be many things that will be objectively more important (yes, yes, more important than your own health!). And secondly, here you will not need any special actions. In general, your physical condition, up to the beginning of the summer period, will correspond to your usual condition. Closer to summer, the horoscope recommends paying special attention to your diet. And it would also be nice to “pump up” a little, believe me, this will not only strengthen you, but also help you in other areas of life. The second half of the year will be much more active in this sense. You will want to move, do something, somehow improve yourself. The best option is to do something like athletics. So you do not overstrain, do not get injured, but as a result you will get a significant increase in strength, agility and endurance.

Attention, the above horoscope for 2016 of the Red Monkey - describes only the general trends inherent in the owners of the zodiac sign Scorpio in the new 2016. Due to your uniqueness, the general horoscope for 2016 for the sign of Scorpio may not reflect real events. An accurate astrological prediction can only be obtained by compiling a personal horoscope for the upcoming 2016. You can get an accurate personal horoscope by clicking on the link below.

The exact personal horoscope for 2016 Monkey for the sign Scorpio:

Representatives of the zodiac sign Scorpio in 2016 will be in the spotlight, even if they themselves do not want it. The Fire Monkey will take them close, so you will have to try very hard to get out of a number of difficult situations with dignity. But there is no need to be especially upset about this, because we are not talking about some large-scale "challenge of fate", but about peculiar trials that you will be able to overcome, there is no doubt about this. In general, this will be a fairly positive period, full of many diverse events and phenomena that will remain in your memory for a long time. Feel free to be who you really are, generally know that the Fire Monkey does not recognize duplicity and hypocrisy, so in 2016 a lot of masks will be torn off, you can be sure. Scorpio women and Scorpio men will get slightly different recommendations, which is logical, but the general trends "work" for everyone. You obviously won't be bored this year, even if you didn't have anything "special" planned.

Horoscope for 2016 Scorpio woman

For the beautiful half of the representatives of the zodiac sign Scorpio, 2016 will be bright and impressive, especially in terms of feelings and emotions. You are likely to experience many interesting events, perhaps you will even start a new relationship. In this sense, the Fire Monkey recommends being more circumspect, but not delving into what is happening too much. A whirlwind of events and feelings will take you where you need to, no doubt, and when you open your eyes, you, like Ellie, may well find yourself in your Land of Oz. In the rest - act in accordance with the previously outlined plans. For a career, 2016 will be a successful year, but in relation to your sign, it is worth noting some nuances. Firstly, you should not rely only on your own strength, do not hesitate to seek help if necessary, you really need it. Second, don't rush into investment decisions. And if you are in a hurry, this is a clear indication that nothing good will come of this situation. It is enough not to lose vigilance and your "sharp eye" will definitely suspect a catch.

Horoscope for 2016 Scorpio man

For Scorpio men, 2016 will be a fairly productive time, not so much in terms of business, but in relation to other areas of life. Probably, you will find many ambiguous situations, the way out of which will be found by itself and it will fully withstand you. You obviously should not be complex about your desires now. Most situations will really develop in your favor, unless, of course, you are pursuing purely positive goals, without interfering with other people's aspirations. Family Scorpios in this regard will spend the year a little less bright, but probably much more romantic. In terms of business, you should focus on colleagues. It is not at all necessary to do what they do, but, as they say, it is always more profitable to learn from the mistakes of others. The Fire Monkey will definitely tell you which direction to look. But remember, when a finger is pointed to the sky, it is foolish to look at the finger. Subtly, but more accurate prediction will prevent you from objectively perceiving what is happening and making your own choice.

Horoscope for 2016 for the zodiac sign Scorpio is a generalized astrological forecast for 2016 for typical representatives of the zodiac sign Scorpio. For a more accurate representation of the events of 2016, we recommend making a personal horoscope for 2016. By ordering an individual astrological forecast for 2016, you will receive an accurate analysis of planetary aspects, their influence on your destiny throughout 2016. This is also a significant advantage in the form of leadership, which allows you to more rationally manage events, making optimal decisions to achieve the desired goals.
- Horoscopes for 2016 for the signs of the Zodiac:

The astrological forecast for 2016 is for people born between October 24 and November 22.

Scorpio horoscope for 2016 - joy and good luck

Jupiter moved into the 11th house of the horoscope in August 2015. Time to earn money with your work or borrow it from your father. This is the money house of careers, as well as traditional things like friends, ambitions and goals. In addition, this is the house of an older brother/sister, so things must change for him/her too. 2016 for you is a year of opening opportunities and numerous new useful acquaintances. After completing a job well done, you begin to enjoy the fruits of your success. Realized long-term plans will bring a sense of satisfaction and confirmation of your correctness in relation to beliefs or ideals. The energy of Jupiter will allow you to focus all your attention on as many projects as you determine for yourself. Finally, you will begin to consider yourself a full member of society and enjoy social life. You will be ready to engage in any activity and enjoy the results: you will perform well in various organizations, associations, and so on. Perhaps you will have a bunch of new acquaintances with whom you will develop strong partnerships in the future.

In September, Jupiter will move into Libra, your 12th house. During this period, many petty worries and daily anxieties will disappear if peace settles in your soul and you engage in your own enlightenment. You will find the strength to step back a little and see what some things really are. Little by little, mental and emotional boundaries will begin to disappear, you will be able, calmly holding yourself in hand, to confront painful problems. In life, wealth and success will take on a new meaning for you, especially when you start looking for the origins of spirituality. During this period, your instincts and dedication will reach their peak. Moreover, you may even be convinced that you are ready to devote yourself entirely to charity, which is so lacking in our lives. You will be extremely inspired by music and visual arts.

Horoscope for 2016 for Scorpio - difficulties and trials

For you, Scorpio, Saturn has moved into a money house in Sagittarius, where money does not flow like it used to ... In 2016, you will finally descend to earth, money and material wealth will acquire special significance for you. You will not leave the false feeling that your worth as a person depends on your ability to have a wallet full of bills. If money has never played a significant role in your life, a combination of circumstances will make you rethink its value and realize the need to earn as much as possible. This will be a very difficult time for you, especially if you had nothing to do with making money before. Perhaps you will suffer greatly from impending debts. Conversely, if getting money has always been an integral part of your life, in 2016 you will have great opportunities to make even more money for yourself. At the moment, do not take risks in money matters, as most likely it will not justify itself. Be that as it may, the situation with money will be simplified only after 2 years.

Saturn in conflict with Neptune: real and unreal

Neptune in this position can bring romantic intricacies into your life, and generally draw you into a wide variety of events. During this time it is better to focus on yourself and your children; the people around you will not be as good as they seem.

Horoscope for 2016 for Scorpio - surprises and surprises

When Uranus entered Aries in 2011, it moved into your sixth house of work, health, and service. There may be changes at work that you longed for or feared. Try to put up with them and see what happens. In 2016, your health concerns will come to the fore. You will start exercising with increased enthusiasm for fitness and dieting. Physical exercise and hard work will bring not only pleasure, but also tangible results. Unfortunately, during this period, you will tend to take care of your body too much, which can often be the cause of hypochondria. You may also be overwhelmed with pet health matters and/or decide to put some of your knowledge to good use and be useful.

The 6th house is also the house of the stepmother, so in 2016 your father, if he is divorced or a widower, may bring home a new "mother". Give her a chance and see what happens. Moderate the desire inherent in Scorpio to rear her up!

Scorpio horoscope for 2016 - mysterious and spiritual

Neptune has moved into your fifth house of love relationships, children, creativity, sports, and mother's money. A potential marriage partner may seem perfect, and you may think that you have found your soul mate - perhaps you have - but do not rush into marriage until you have studied your partner from all sides ... Go on a trip or something something like seeing your future partner from a different angle before agreeing to marriage. Get ready for the fact that during this difficult period for you, you will give more than you receive. Neptune is the enemy of ego and selfishness. Perhaps it is at this time that you will think about the concept of “ideal love” and most likely will be disappointed in your discovery. Be careful and try not to fall in love with the image of a person drawn in your imagination, because then, most likely, you will find that reality is not as perfect as it seemed to you. During this period, you will be especially altruistic. You will be exhausted, you will run out of steam and, what is most unpleasant, you will not even hear “thank you” for all the efforts made. However, if you look at it from the other side, your creative possibilities will reach their peak during this period of time. If you are a father or mother, don't neglect your children's upbringing, otherwise they may start taking drugs or abusing alcohol. You should also encourage your children to develop their artistic talents. Make sure they keep their feet on the ground and know what is good and what is bad.

Scorpio horoscope for 2016 - major changes

Pluto is in the third house of communication, siblings, and schooling. You may be more interested in politics at the local level. Or return to education to become more competent in the profession. Perhaps you are thinking about how you would get a first or, for example, a second education. Perhaps your brother or sister will start to put on airs and you will have to lower her or him from heaven to earth. In the period of 2016, there will be excellent opportunities for self-realization, intellectual development, analysis of one's behavior and the causes of many existing problems. As in principle and always under the influence of the energy of Pluto, these possibilities are usually formless and can be a cause of great frustration if you do not direct them in a specific direction. If your attempts were unsuccessful, let events take their course: the power of your soul can sometimes cause many psychological problems. You do not know how to simultaneously concentrate your attention on several problems and constantly experience an intellectual hunger, especially when it comes to practical or scientific knowledge.

Eclipse in the fifth house of children, in particular the first child, and love affairs. A new love can come into your life and knock you off your feet... but because of conflicting Mars, a sudden breakup can soon follow. If you are aware of the potential for events, you can simply watch what happens and then decide whether to continue.

The second eclipse in the backstage 12th house. It may not have much effect on you, but it should help your partner at work... and maybe understand what kind of person your stepfather is, if you have one.

Horoscope for 2016 for Scorpio men

  • Those born in the first decade (October 23-October 30) at the beginning of 2016 are waiting for creative success. They should refuse risky and dubious offers, especially financial, new loans, trips abroad. Summer is the best time to implement ideas.
  • Those born in the second decade (01.11-10.11) at the beginning of 2016 should stop active actions for a while and “lie down on the bottom”. In the spring, they will find increased creativity, various holidays and romantic meetings. Perseverance in work will bear fruit.
  • Those born in the III decade (11.11-22.11) must overcome shyness, which will only interfere. At the beginning of 2016, it is worth devoting yourself to your home and family, you can make repairs. September is perfect for a love trip.

Horoscope for 2016 for Scorpio women

  • For those born in the first decade (23.10-30.10), 2016 will bring many small joys. In the spring, you need to carefully monitor your reputation. March will bring love, and in the summer and autumn it is worth doing self-realization - all undertakings will be successful.
  • Those born in the II decade (01.11-10.11) will lead an active life in 2016: the beginning of the year is a time for spiritual self-development, spring is a great period for romance, and the beginning of autumn is for relaxation and travel. The end of autumn should be devoted to work.
  • For those born in the III decade (11.11-22.11), the first month of 2016 will be a period of active social life. In the spring, you will have to make a serious decision in a love relationship, and in October, you will come to grips with work.

Horoscope for 2016 for each month for the sign of Scorpio

  • January 2016 is a good month for Scorpios to visit spiritual practices. You need to take good care of your marriage. The time has come to solve cases that have been shelved.
  • In February 2016, Scorpios may meet the love of their life. It is not recommended to start new projects. Scorpions will be threatened by colds.
  • In March 2016, Scorpions are categorically not recommended to lie and cheat. In the personal relationships of Scorpions, everything will be ambiguous. High chance of inflammation.
  • The most successful month for Scorpions will be April 2016. Scorpios will be able to take on any job and achieve success in it. Perhaps a slight deterioration in well-being.
  • In May 2016, Scorpios will be able to really appreciate their relationship with a partner. At work, Scorpios will face insurmountable difficulties. Beware of injury.
  • In June 2016, Scorpios can be absolutely frank with others. In the professional sphere, everything will depend on the speed of action of the Scorpios themselves. You should start doing stretching exercises.
  • In November 2016, Scorpios will face distrust from others. There will be a chance to unleash your creative potential at work. Income will please Scorpions.
  • In December 2016, the time will come for Scorpions to take stock of personal relationships. Scorpios will face a lack of time. Old illnesses may flare up.

2016 for representatives of the zodiac sign Scorpio will be the time to solve all the problems that relate to all areas of the life situation. Someone will decide that it is worth sorting out and improving the situation in family relationships, while someone will persistently arrange their personal life, and some will take care of their well-being. 2016 will solve all the problems that have arisen since last year. Last spring, the representatives of the Sagittarius zodiac sign were too busy with the problems that they could not pay due attention to either close people or their professional activities. And it is in 2016 that you will need to make up for lost minutes, which you can do with special pleasure. You will take care of loved ones, pay a lot of attention to them, and you will feel how the cold that was between you will grow into understanding and respect. In general, if we talk about the general situation of the horoscope of representatives of the zodiac sign Scorpio, we can say that it is time for you to part with your frivolity and rudeness and you urgently need to start taking care of strengthening your reputation in society. You should show all your qualities from the best side, otherwise you will not be able to achieve anything. You must take care of yourself, understand what you want, achieve respect among the people around you. And if we talk specifically about 2016, for you this moment is considered the most favorable for self-realization. Don't let everything go by itself! Try to do good to people, and they will answer you the same.

Pay attention to your loved ones, they will have a very difficult period. It may happen that you lose someone, and this situation will completely unsettle you. You will have to go through a very difficult period. But it’s not for nothing that people say: “Time heals”! A little time will pass, your soul will calm down, and you will look at all life situations in a completely different way.

Love horoscope Scorpio for 2016

2016 will bring a lot of pleasant sensations to representatives of the zodiac sign Scorpio, you will experience sweet moments of love. Children will delight you with their successes. Also in the house there can be an addition, or you will get your favorite pet. If you have small children, then they can inspire you to do crazy things, and adults will help you with household chores. You have to spend most of the time this year paying more attention to your children and your loved one. Joint vacations, a range of entertainment and long-distance trips can strengthen your family relationships. And on the road you will meet with a good and cheerful company.

Throughout the year, you will try to help solve any problems that arise with your family and loved ones. Friends, old acquaintances will often visit you and you will make plans for the future together. The life position of your sisters and brothers will also begin to change, and you will take an active part in these changes with great pleasure. Another unexpected turn may occur, your soulmate will offer you to open a common business, and if you succeed, this will bring you very close to your loved one. Since you cannot go far on love alone, it is important that common interests are also present in the family. You will achieve joint success. You will be overwhelmed by the creative flow and inspiration will appear. Only luck will accompany your joint business and family life. Everything will turn out!

For the lonely representatives of the zodiac sign Scorpio, fate has also prepared surprises. You will meet a person whom you will love very much. Your feelings every day will become stronger and stronger. And it is thanks to this rate of growth of feelings that your heart will completely belong to this person. Feelings of sincere love will constantly warm your soul.

In the first half of 2016, representatives of the Sagittarius sign will completely take care of the family. In order for family relationships to be strong, they need to be constantly nourished with care and love. Work with children, take a walk with them, they will be very pleased to feel your care and love. If possible, help your parents, they are just as worthy of your attention. Try to hear your children, communicate with them more, if the children are small, try to tell them fascinating stories every night before going to bed. Take an active part in family affairs, try to be interested in their interests, maybe they will also please you. If you can deeply understand the family, you will discover many new things for yourself. Children can teach you a lot, despite the fact that you already have half your life behind you. After all, each of us knows that even in a dispute we can learn some lesson for ourselves, which will be useful to us in the future. You will be able to understand your every mistake and mistake and at any time you can count on support.

In the middle of 2016, representatives of the zodiac sign expect big changes in family life. You will often see friends, and your joint interests may develop into something more, that is, you may be seduced. But many friends will rebel against such changes in your personal life. Your children can get a lot of stress, as you will now pay more attention to the other person, they may feel lonely. Your spouse will give you the opportunity to choose between a family and a new hobby. You will be under constant supervision. It may happen that because of such a situation, your significant other will begin to blackmail you and follow your every step. You will feel limited in your freedom of action. You will have many ill-wishers, you will be constantly discussed, and dissatisfied views will be pursued. Your secret admirer or admirer will also try to put pressure on you to make a decision about the future. You will make many people suffer at once, your children, parents, loved one will suffer, but your secret love will also suffer in parallel. You will rush about, as if between two fires, you have to choose either obligations or open relationships. You will begin sleepless nights, because you have not found an answer to the question with whom you will stay. Do not think, look around, because your family is the most valuable thing that gave you life, so do not make people who love you suffer.

By the end of 2016, representatives of the zodiac sign Scorpio will begin to improve their personal lives. You will be able to overcome your passion and start life from a new leaf. You will have new strength, you will try to constantly be close to your loved one. It will seem to you that no one can defeat you and destroy your family happiness!

2016 will be a very turbulent year for the creative representatives of the zodiac sign Scorpio. You will be given the opportunity to direct all your inspiration and feelings to creativity and bring joy to the people around you. Huge feelings of love can add special bright colors to your art, it can be a different field, literature, theater, fashion, cinema, sports, as well as public professions and politics. You will give the world great creations or you will experience an influx of a huge feeling of love, and not every person can know such feelings. A new person may appear in your family, to whom you can give all your love and surround with warmth and care.

For creative people, as the site predicts, 2016 will be a particularly fruitful period. On a personal level, you will only be lucky. Children and a loved one will only please you. And even if you encounter an unpleasant situation, it will not be able to harm you, since your feelings will be filled with only positive energy. There will come a time when everyone will be interested in you as a creative person, you will be popular, you will be respected and will be spoken of with admiration. But even such strong creative people as you tend to be upset, plunge into depression. Therefore, for yourself, you should definitely make a small exception and sometimes be distracted from your work. Spend some time with your friends, this meeting will do you good. Of course, creative people, very often, because of their work, pay little attention to their relatives and loved ones. Do not forget about them, because a loved one can give you an ultimatum and you will have to choose between work and family, and as a creative person it will be very difficult for you to make such a choice. So allocate your time so that you have enough of it for your favorite work, and of course for people close to you!

Scorpio career in 2016

In the professional field, representatives of the Scorpio zodiac sign will also need to be persistent and strengthen partnerships. The most convenient moment for you will be exactly the middle of 2016 to solve all your problems in the professional field. 2016 will be a very positive year for representatives of the zodiac sign Scorpio. In addition, you can so subdue your partners with your charm that any contract or agreement will be signed with particular ease and with a trusting feeling for you. If it was in 2016 that your company decided to conclude a contract with a large company, then your boss should send you to negotiations, because it is during this period that representatives of the zodiac sign Scorpio are considered almost mascots. Therefore, you have a difficult but fruitful work ahead of you, on which your future depends, at least for the coming years.

Scorpio finances in 2016

2016 will not be very favorable to the representatives of the zodiac sign Scorpio in the financial sector. You will constantly be faced with the question, “How and where can I make more money?” Of course, it is impossible to say categorically that your financial situation will be completely at zero, but the amount that you can earn during this period will absolutely not suit you. Therefore, pay special attention to your costs so as not to be completely without material support. Give up unnecessary purchases at the moment, do not waste all your capital, as it will still be very useful to you.

Scorpio health in 2016

2016 will not make you worry much about the health of the representatives of the zodiac sign Scorpio. But only if you are more attentive, listen to your body, and at the first slightest indisposition, you will take some action. Do not delay, as the disease is easier to prevent than to cure.

The first half of the year is quite favorable, but there may be discomfort in the stomach and pancreas, be sure to review your diet. Do not eat fatty and smoked, just avoid taking alcoholic beverages, even in small quantities, as this can be the first reason that will provoke pain. More pleasant emotions, as stomach pain can be caused by stress and nervousness.

In the second half of 2016, nothing bad will happen in the field of health either. Just try to lead a healthy lifestyle, go in for sports, go for walks, take a contrast shower. In these ways, you can improve your health and boost your immunity.

Horoscope for 2016 Scorpio man

The first months of the year should be devoted to solving issues that have long been postponed. The beginning of spring will be accompanied by minor domestic troubles and quarrels over trifles with his wife. But nothing serious will happen.

To achieve success in 2016, Scorpios will have to learn how to work in a team, moving alone will not bring the expected results. In order not to have to tighten their belts in the fall, the horoscope for 2016 recommends that Scorpio men find sources of additional income in the spring. The stars predict that a successful sphere for you is informational and everything connected with it. Success awaits you also in the field of high technologies.

It is better to carefully double-check all financial reports, accounting and contracts, it is possible that someone will try to deceive you.

In the summer it is worth going to where you feel at home, relax with the whole family, you deserve it. Only the horoscope for 2016 does not advise leaving the borders of your country, the rest in your homeland will be more effective.

Horoscope for 2016 Scorpio woman

At the beginning of the year, women born under this sign will often receive guests. Your parents will be very grateful to you if you help them in matters of everyday life. And in the second half of the year, relations with children will improve. You will understand what they really need and you can give it to them. And in return, they will treat you with great respect and understanding.

June, July, November and December promise to be the most troublesome months, especially for those who plan to enter a university or travel abroad during these months. With special care, check all papers and documents, the horoscope for 2016 Scorpio warns that paper confusion is possible. At the end of autumn, your relatives may need help, they will probably have health problems. Be ready to help them.

For representatives of the Scorpio sign, 2016 will be a very vigorous and very productive year. You will be in constant motion, and an endless stream of ideas will help you to carry out previously conceived plans.

Famous Scorpions

  • Pablo Picasso
  • Katy Perry
  • Hillary Clinton
  • Niccolo Paganini
  • Vanessa May
  • Julia Roberts
  • Bill Gates
  • Dolph Lundgren
  • Aishvaria Rai
  • Vivien Leigh

Forecast for Scorpio women for 2016

For Scorpio women, the year promises to be so eventful that you can hardly set aside at least a few days for a good rest. But the stars promise you a noticeable growth not only in your career, but also in your personal life. The only caveat: try to avoid unfamiliar companies.

In no case do not agree to transactions with suspicious people, even if you are promised unusually favorable conditions. In 2016, there is a high risk of getting into serious trouble and getting into trouble with the law. Remember that scammers are on the alert and there is always the possibility of getting into their sticky web.

Forecast for Scorpio men for 2016

For Scorpio men, the year of the Fire Monkey has prepared a lot of trouble and minor troubles, in particular - in their personal lives. Relations with friends can heat up, and it depends only on you who will remain in the circle of people close to you. The start of 2016 will be challenging as you will have to deal with issues left over from last year.

It's all about your habit of putting things off until the last minute. The whole new year will be busy and full of rather unpleasant surprises. In spring and summer, it is better to think about additional income, otherwise by autumn your financial situation will be so difficult that you will have to save on elementary things.

Love horoscope for 2016

Scorpio women all year will be too impulsive and categorical. Review your emotional state, as it can put an end to all relationships that began this year. Your inconstancy can scare even the most interested members of the opposite sex. For women in a relationship, the stars promise sharp ups and downs of feelings, intolerance and excessive pickiness towards a partner.

There is a high probability of a break in relations, and this will be your fault. If a person is dear to you, try to control your words and actions. If this is not possible, take a break in the relationship, otherwise parting is inevitable. For Scorpio men, 2016 will be more successful, especially in spring and summer. You will have a great opportunity and find the stability that you have long dreamed of.

In love, Scorpio must be decisive, but not harsh.

Your stubbornness and determination will help you quickly push the lady to cardinal changes - for example, to living together. The Year of the Monkey will affect your character in a special way - you will want to constantly sacrifice yourself for the sake of your beloved woman, but the stars do not advise you to completely dissolve in your partner, because you attract ladies with your masculinity, and not humility.

Try not to pay attention to the petty whims of your lady, otherwise the risk of unpleasant conflicts and quarrels is high. Representatives of the Scorpio sign, who are legally married, will find the year too changeable: relationships with a partner will either fade away or flare up with renewed vigor. To return the former trust and sincerity to family relationships, try to be a little softer and kinder to your soul mate.

The fact is that you are often overly categorical and even cruel to your partner. Show patience and love - and you will see how close your relationship with your spouse will become. Do not forget about the children, who subtly feel any changes in your relationship. Tell them often how much you love them. Pamper the kids, because they will quickly grow up and leave from under your wing.

Health Horoscope for 2016

The health of Scorpios in 2016 will unfortunately be vulnerable. Scorpio women urgently need to adjust their diet. In autumn, serious weight jumps are possible due to stress and disruption of the hormonal system. If during this period you eat high-calorie foods, then by the end of the year you will most likely gain a dozen extra kilos, which will later be difficult to lose.

In the year of the Monkey, problems with the endocrine system are also possible, in particular with the thyroid gland. Do not attribute your lethargy and headaches to fatigue. Remember that you can quickly solve hormonal disorders by taking pills, but only if you start treatment on time. Your tendency to put things off until tomorrow can play a bad joke on you.

If Scorpio does not restrain himself, he will quickly get fat!

The stars warn Scorpio men about possible exacerbations of chronic diseases, up to the need for inpatient treatment. Your neglected, yet not very serious diseases can rapidly develop into very dangerous health problems. First of all, pay attention to the cardiovascular system.

Possible violations of the valves of the heart, as well as damage to blood vessels. Be sure to check the vessels for patency, and the blood for density. Until you get the results of the tests, give up heavy physical activity, especially cardio (running, brisk walking, jumping, swimming), because they endanger the heart and blood vessels. Daily pressure monitoring will also be useful.

Money horoscope for 2016

Scorpions at the beginning of the year expect financial difficulties. You will suddenly be asked for money that you have borrowed for a long time. You will have to spend a lot of effort and nerves in order to solve the problem with debts. Scorpio women will experience financial difficulties until the middle of the year. For this period, you will have to postpone all expensive purchases and focus on finding additional ways to earn money.

By the end of the year, Scorpios may decide on an expensive purchase.

You are too emotional and give in to panic moods, so the stars recommend that you take up a hobby and meet friends more often, because for you panic is akin to collapse. If you make every effort, then by the end of the year you will achieve financial stability. In December, a grand purchase is possible, for example, real estate or a car. But the spring of 2016 for Scorpio men will be extremely difficult financially.

Several of your business ideas will burn out at the same time, leaving you with nothing, so it is better to refrain from large transactions and risky contracts during this period. The wisest decision would be to change business partners. Among your acquaintances there are several unreliable people who are ready to set you up at a difficult moment. It is on how quickly you find these people that your financial condition in the next six months depends.

Career horoscope for 2016

Scorpio women are promised serious career growth and material well-being. In your team, there is now an unspoken struggle for a “tasty” position, which is claimed by several colleagues at once. In combat, all means are good, and some of your colleagues will try to weave intrigues around you in order to put themselves in the best light.

Instead of quarreling with colleagues, Scorpio should work harder!

Don't stoop to their level. Your boss needs a hardworking and competent employee, so bet on professional qualities: develop, learn, attend trainings and seminars. Thanks to new skills, you will be able to leave your rivals far behind.

By the middle of the year, male Scorpios will face disappointment and conflicts with colleagues. At some point, you even decide to leave your familiar place and change your occupation. Do not cut off the shoulder, because your competitors are just waiting for this. Pull yourself together and do not stop stubbornly moving forward towards your dream. If you focus on moving up the career ladder, then by the end of the year, promotion and financial growth are quite possible.

Brief description of the sign Scorpion
lucky numbers 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 72
Gems Topaz
lucky colors Orange, pink, white
patron planet Mars
lucky months January, February, April, September, October
Bad months March, August
Most Compatible Signs